
Bark Like A Goat

Bark Like a Goat

Group Show

29.07. – 21.08.2022

Bark Like A Goat

Nils Brunschede / Gloria Bergner / Anna Reiter / Linn Mann / William Metin Martin / Alevtina Lyapunova / Lilian Maxin / Ruth Köttner / Lisa Vogel

Kunstkollektiv “Die störrische Ziege von Delphi”

Bark like a goat Every now and then one might encounter a goat, but pass it by without putting much significance to it, unable to imagine what it actually consists of. Their constant inquisitiveness creates a desire to explore and investigate everything that they come across in life. Each temporal experience forms an aspect of a particular consciousness that one can achieve by revealing oneself in all honesty. This might lead to misunderstandings with others.

Frequently, they do not seem to congregate. Although goats are not flock-oriented like sheep, they are much more sociable than they appear. Comparatively, collectivism may be easy to control, the maintenance of relationships, however, is very fragile. They do not always have to be the same, rather, there are mutual understandings and sympathy for each other. It is more important to communicate and assert one's position and independence.

While at a distance, they simultaneously pay attention to the condition of their companions. It is about truly accepting differences and being willing to notice the small signs and voices of others in order to create a firm ground that does not separate or isolate from fellow companions. Each opinion can be interpreted differently and a visual response is required for clarity. Perhaps the shape of each appears irrelevant, but still it's like a puzzle piece that doesn't seem to fit but somehow fits just right. Since characters are not artificially built, they mingle with one another. By accepting one's own uniqueness, the entire interaction often becomes more creative and encouraging to take a further step and explore new paths.

Text by Yoon A Lee